The “I’s” Have it

The I’s Have It is the latest anthology in the imaginative and lively Crimeucopia series from Murderous Ink Press.

This spellbinding collection includes mystery sub-genres from cozies to hardboiled, with settings ranging from the traditional country home to the high-tech home office. But every story focuses on the investigators — the “I’s” — who must match wits with the criminals, uncover the facts, and let justice be done.

Of course, the fun is in watching the investigator tackle what seems like impossible odds. (My favorite twist is when it’s not obvious that a crime has been committed.)

My contribution, “The Tell-Tale Armadillo,” was inspired by a near-disaster for me and my wife. A natural gas explosion in an adjacent subdivision blasted a two-million-dollar house into scrap and rattled several nearby neighborhoods. Debris flew over a half-mile away.

Sure, it was terrifying at the time, but you know the old saying — nothing bad ever happens to a writer — it’s all inspiration. And, yes, the title is a riff on a couple of Edgar Allan Poe stories.

I’m honored to be part of this gorgeous and captivating anthology. Joe Giordano, Michele Bazan Reed, and John M. Floyd are just a few of the featured authors. Wow.

The I’s Have It is now available at Amazon in paperback and Kindle formats. Check it out!