Only You and I Together

So thrilled to see my story Only You and I Together published at White Cat Publications. Kay DiBianca, the award-winning author of Time After Tyme, read it and commented, “Very moving.”

The inspiration for this story hit me when my brother and his wife joined me and Julie at the beach, the first opportunity we’ve had in years to spend a week together. We both commented on traits we saw in each other that reminded us of our departed father. Dad’s voice, mannerisms, and wry humor filled a room overlooking the ocean once again, recalling family vacations from long ago.

Later, it dawned on me that the two of us, in a way, had made our father come alive. So this is a story I put my heart into. I still get a little misty when I read it.

The title? I borrowed that from The Waste Land, which is fitting inspiration:

When I count, there are only you and I together

But when I look ahead up the white road

There is always another one walking beside you

My father witnessed the horror of war and death, and struggled the rest of his life to overcome PTSD. Despite that all-but-consuming torment, he made himself into a loving husband and father. He was the most decent man I have ever known. This story is for him.

16 thoughts on “Only You and I Together”

  1. Royal Navy friends of my father just could not speak about their comrades battened down to drown to save the ship….or the lights on the lifejackets falling far astern as the convoy steamed on.

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